Must Try Foods in Malaga

Credit: Tamorlan / CC BY-SA 3.0
The best part about travelling to a different place is learning about their culture, and tasting their local food. In the case of Malaga, its unique location provides a beautiful opportunity for seafood lovers to get a fresh taste of their cuisine.
Naturally, there are many food items to include on this list but we have written about the top 4 we think you will love. You can enjoy these dishes with many variations as you go to different restaurants. Enjoy!
Gazpachuelo Malagueño
Probably the most typical dish of Malaga is the Gazpachuelo Malagueño. This soup, known in the olden days as a ‘poor man’s dish’ is made with fish, water, potatoes, mayonnaise, wine, vinegar, and salt. Over the years and in different locations you will find added variations to this dish including shrimp or clam. This hot soup is perfect for winter, especially with a hardboiled egg and toast.
Ensalada Malagueña

Credit: Javier Vte Rejas / CC BY 2.0
For a lighter meal option, or simply as a starter, you can try the Ensalada Malagueña. This cold salad is made with codfish, potato, hard-boiled eggs, olives, spring onions, olive oil, oranges, and salt. This light dish is perfect for summer or spring.
Fritura Malagueña
If you want the main course, or share this as an appetizer, then Fritura Malagueña is the ideal choice for all seafood lovers. What better way than to enjoy at the beach than eating fried fish! Made with fresh flour and extra virgin olive oil, with a variety of fish from squid, red mullet, and sardines, this dish will be a Malaga favourite when you visit.
Tarta Malagueña

Credit: flickr / Rachel Bickley / CC BY-ND 2.0
For a sweeter taste, the Tarta Malagueña is perfect to try. A local version of a ‘Tea Cake’ this cake is actually made from almonds and Malaga sweet wine, decorated on top with raisins and almonds. This cake is perfect if you need a hint of sugar or you need something sweet to down with a cup a coffee for an afternoon snack.
Make sure to taste at least one of the items when you book your trip to Malaga for a more wholesome experience.
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