Enjoy Vacation in Malaga during Feria de Nerja

Have a blast at the Nerja Fair on your vacation in Malaga. If you’re planning a trip to Nerja in October, then you shouldn’t miss Feria de Nerja.
It is one of the biggest celebrations of the year in the city, with processions, singing, dancing, and lots of opportunities to eat, drink and make merry. Traditionally the feria (or fair) is celebrated during the second week of October, and tourists can join the friendly celebrations held in honour of the town's patron saints San Miguel Arcángel (Archangel Saint Michael) and La Virgen de las Angustias (Virgin of Anguish).
The dates vary slightly every year but this year’s dates have been confirmed. Feria de Nerja will start on Tuesday, October 8th and continue until Saturday, October 12th. The timetable of events usually gets published a few days before the fair, and you can expect a grand annual celebration.
What should you look out for? Throughout the feria week, get greeted by fireworks in the early hours of the morning, announcing the commencement of the fair. The fairground attractions usually occupy the central part of the feria grounds, and all sides of the ground are marked with large marquees, with various organisations staging all sorts of activities including the election of the 'Feria Queen'. There are traditional flamenco performances with lively dancing and singing, and music concerts featuring well-known stars.
If you can’t wait to join in the festivities, there are several Feria related events taking place in the run-up to the actual Feria week. You can also look out for special children's parties and magic shows, live music, a parade of flamboyantly decorated floats and a special mass in honour of the town’s patrons.
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